Specific Input/Output Data

• Jan 17, 2019 - 23:16

Hi, gang!!!

Inside the last MuseScore 3 handbook (and it is the same about old version handbooks), in the Preferences Input/Output Tab, nothing is written about PulseAudio and/or ALSA audio parameters (Linux installations).

Where can I find help about this???

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



By doing a web search for information about those two systems. They are not part of MuseScore, they are things on your system that MuseScore can use.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, Marc!!!

I'm talking about some experiments I have been performing into one of my desktop computers.

Specifically, about two ALSA Audio parameters:

Fragments: This parameter can not to be set at a value less than 3. If you use 2 (for example), you won't play your score. I can not to note some difference if we use a value above 3.

Period Size: I used all the values are available. The only noticeable thing I could note is that the presentation grey line is out of synchronizing with the audible sounds when we use something above 1024.

But... That was my experiments!!!

I want to know something more "official" about this.

I looked for something about ALSA into Ubuntu official site but... There is not something about MIDI and/or MuseScore itself.


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