Harmonic Analysis with figured bass

• Jan 18, 2019 - 18:26

So I know I can add chords and format them by using staff text. This is how I have been getting across modern chord notation. But what if I also want to make it clear which inversion of the chord it is using figured bass.

How would I put in something like F 6-4 but with figured bass? I know I can put in 6-4 easily using figured bass but is is possible to add what the chord is to that figured bass text using Musescore?


That's not part of figured bass, so you can't do that. From other discussion it sounds like Marc Sabatella is going to incorporate something like this into chords so you'll be able to enter VI with a 4 superscript for example (BTW I'm not saying this is the correct notation for your example).

Can you clarify what you mean by "modern chord notation"? I don't often hear the words "figured bass" and "modern" in the same breath :-) Maybe you really mean roman numeral notation, like V64 with the 64 written vertically?

As mike320 says, this is something I've been interested in working on, but it's competing with a lot of other projects. Really, someone should just create a font that has all this stuff already formatted well and submit it to the SMuFL folks for standardization. Even though I know how to work the tools, I'm not a font designer and would rather see someone else tackle the project, but at some point I'll get tired of waiting...

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