Text alingment and 'free transfer/placement'

• Jan 25, 2019 - 08:17

Hello, I am supper sorry to ask an obvious question, but I was not able to find solution to it...

Is it possible in MuseScore to create text box or any kind of text that will be not linked to a specific part of the score? i.e. staff or note duration?

I just wanted to have a full control of the placement for some elements, without MuseScore having to follow the border alignment.
(like, putting text on top of staff , I know it sounds stupid... but I just want some elements like text would not be aligned to specific elements and have a 'free transfer' functionality)

is it possible? if it is... I would be happy to know how =)
Thank you,
sincerely yours,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you so much for the reply, yes text frames allow to transfer text to any spot, witch is exactly what I was looking for, but it also creates the box with it.... witch creates a blank spot space that I can't seem to remove... is there any way to create text frame without that huge "blue box" that take out space from the score.

My initial idea is to create some text that would be very compact and mobile... while text frame helps with being mobile, I can't seem to find a way to not get lost from the empty space taken by "blue box"

could you please advice me how to hide/get rid of blue box while still having text visible?

thank you,
- inari

I would use a staff text if you want it only in the main score. I would attach it to the instrument closest to it's destination and then move it to where I want it. I would then open the part, select the text and press V to make it invisible.

If you want it on every part, then use system text, and move it where you want it for each part. Adjustments like this are never passed from the score to parts.

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