Switching languages

• Jan 28, 2019 - 02:38

I'm curious if the new method for selecting the keyboard and language could be manipulated or changed to allow and American to use their keyboard for typing other languages. Short of using alt+# key sequences it is not possible to enter accented notes that appear in virtually every other language that uses the Roman alphabet.


"... to enter accented notes"
Do you mean notes, or letters within a lyric syllable under a note? For lyrics, I have struggled with this problem for a long time. Installing a different language keyboard and swapping keyboards really doesn't seem to make things any easier.

My solution when setting lyrics in French or German (and on one occasion in classical Greek) is to use copy-and-paste. For French and German I use a separate Notepad file containing the required characters, as in the attached example. For the classical Greek, I found an online version of the relevant Theocritus poem and copied syllable by syllable to match the phonetic version already entered on the score in Roman alphabet. See screen shot below:

Attachment Size
Fragment_voice_and_harp.png 33.64 KB
Accents and Umlauts.txt 203 bytes

In reply to by DanielR

Yes I did mean notes. I've used Google translate for this purpose. Type it without the accents, let Google suggest words with accents, then copy the google words. It doesn't always workout.

First, I haven't run into issues with lyrics in non-Latin alphabets. This is only for notating the score, thinks like "Slower" translated into French. In Google, for languages like Russian, you can set the original language to Russian and you get a list of suggested transliterations as you type in Latin letters. I do this to get English translations of Russian on scores. I could do that if I wanted to keep the Cyrillic, but I only keep words on my scores in Latin alphabets (like French and Serbo-Croatian).

I would prefer to easily switch to a keyboard mode with the ability to add accents inside of MuseScore since that's the only place I use it.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, In Windows it's "Region and Language Settings > Add a language" as a one-time change to the OS. But then I just find the whole switching back and forth too confusing and too much of an effort. And as for trying to remember the different layout for QWERTZ and AZERTY keyboards....

In reply to by DanielR

Add keyboard rather. And you can switch with Left Alt+Shift
But indeed need to know the keyboard layout.
I just recently went thru the pain of entering lyrics in Russian, one syllable at a time using the F2 palette, no fun at all, you can't move to the next syllable using Space like in normal lyrics entry

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I once upon a time, probably in Windows 7, had a utility that allowed me to enter Russian, Hebrew, Greek, and Spanish from my keyboard. I just had to learn which keys gave me which characters. I looked around the web a little and found


for windows 10 only. It only lets you switch to Latin based keyboards though.

I haven't tested it yet, but this might be useful for other alphabets.

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