Change "Staff/Part Properties" to "Staff Properties"?

• Feb 1, 2019 - 10:59

Re: the dialogue currently titled "Staff/Part Properties". A staff is a staff, whether it's in the score or in an instrument part. So why not just call the dialogue, "Staff Properties"? And the two sections "Staff" and "Instrument"?


A part is multiple things: an instrument (with potentially more than one staff) or a (singing) voice (an instrument to MusScore, but not in norbal everyday speech), but also an excerpt, a linked part, which in turn can contain more than one part (instrument/voice). Unfortunatley 'excerpt' also can have multiple meaninns, ot could be just a few measures or a full (set of) staves and parts...
And in the translations that becomes even more confusing, with yet another set of multi-meaning words.
Like I always have a hard time when to translate 'part' as Auszug (excerpt) or Instrument, and whether to translatate Instrument as Instrument or Stimme (voice), whether to translate voice as Stimme or Gesang, etc....

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