Unconventional time signatures - full measure note

• Feb 26, 2019 - 19:15

I have a piece with 9/4, 11/4, 7/4, etc. time signatures.
How to produce full measure note? I know that you can make multiple shorter notes and tie them together,
but that notation have different meaning for some musicians (violinists for example) than just one note with full measure length. In some cases I used notes with dots, but that doesn't work for all time signatures mentioned (11/4).

Is it possible to make whole note (visually) and than change it's actual length?

Thanks in advance!


MuseScore automatically fills bars/measures with a whole note silent, despite the signature, when the bar/measure is empty.

BUT... Up to me, there is no way to create a whole note with an odd duration.

I don't have remember to see something like this. Sorry!!!

The short answer is No.

A whole note tied to a quarter note is the same to everyone unless there is an articulation that alters it, even a violinist.

There are longer notes called a double whole note and longa in MuseScore that I've seen in print with the same meaning as used in MuseScore (8 and 16 beats respectively).

One thing I have seen is where tuplets have been used to change the meaning of notes in strange time signatures. So, in 9/4 a tuplet with the ratio of 8:9 is used to allow a double whole note to be used for the purpose of making a whole measure note. This is unusual.

It's not standard, but try this:

Create 9/4 Time Signature
Click on full-measure rest
>Add >Tuplets >Other
Set Ratio to 1/9
Select “None” for Number and Bracket
Add a quater-note
In Inspector, make the note Stemless and change the Head type to Semibreve


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