Tempo indicator place

• Mar 4, 2019 - 17:16

Hi, gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.4 in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).

As you can see in the very "beautiful" piece I adjust (hi hi hi), I think the tempo indicator is too close other elements (in the piece, it is where the software placed it, not any adjust from me).

Why not to put it far way above???

Just and idea.

Blessings and Greetings from Chile



By default we try to save space and put markings as close together as a professional editor might if they were also trying to save space. If you prefer more extra space around tempo markings in general, you can go to Format / Style / Tempo Text and increase the "Autoplace min. distance" setting, or just select a higher default position.

Of course, you also have a very small staff size selected - presumably this is actually an excerpt from a score for many more instruments?

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