Metric Modulation Causes Crash

• Mar 5, 2019 - 03:10

I'm new to posting on the forum, so hopefully this is the right place to post this issue!

I'm working on a score with some metric modulations in it. The desired effect is that I can get a tempo change [Half Note = Dotted Half Note]. To accomplish this, I select the rest where I want the tempo text to go, then click Palette > Tempo > [Half Note = Quarter Note]. I then edit the text, delete the quarter note, select Alpha at the bottom, go to Musical Symbols and select [Half Note] followed by [Augmentation Dot]. The text looks fine and I can then click out of it, but when I save (cmd-S), the program crashes entirely. Upon reopening the session, none of the changes were saved.

I am running MuseScore 3.2.2 on Mac OS 10.13 (MuseScore 3.2.4 causes a crash on Mac whenever the Start Screen is loaded).


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