
• Mar 16, 2019 - 19:35

Hi, I am trying to make a percussion part with a single tune line for cues. Whatever I do I cannot get the spacing down on the tune part to make it more compact. I have tried { and }. I have tried removing system breaks. I have gone into style settings. I even tried deleting all the other instruments rather than just having them hidden, in case it was sizing the bars/measures based on hidden parts. Nothing seems to work, and most of what I try causes the program to crash. I have the latest version I have never had a program crash so regularly, but that's another point, and seems to be related to the M command to compress rests.


Also when I do press M it won't join the 16 and 19 together. There was a natural key signature at bar 17 but I have deleted it and it still won't join them.

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M.PNG 12.24 KB

You shouldn't be marking staves invisible or deleting them. Instead, simple use File / Parts to generate parts for each instrument.

Meanwhile, if you can give us steps to reproduce the crash, we can investigate and hopefully fix it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was creating a cue part so being able to hide and show the other parts was useful. I deleted them to stop Musescore crashing (didn't actually help). The crashing seemed to stop when I deleted the first 40 or so bars, which I didn't need anyway. The crashing may have had something to do with pagination - it occurred when I pressed the M key or hid parts. I filled in many crash reports. If you want to investigate it might be worth spending 20 minutes with the file I downloaded from the community, the full score of Vltava by Smetna.

In reply to by 50h9j

Without knowing the precise steps to reproduce the problem, we would be doing little more than guessing. We're happy to help, but we really need you to explain the problem in more detail. I would just reiterate, normally, to create parts for the individual instruments, you use File / Parts, not invisible staves. So we would need to understand what special unusual thing you are doing that causes you to do otherwise.

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