Tuning options

Currently, Musescore is limited to equal temperament tuning which I do not like. I believe that tuning should be controlled in the the key signature properties. When key signature properties is opened, it will show all the notes in that key signature and all the accidentals, with the deviation from equal temperament next to it. It will default to equal temperament, but there will be some other tuning presets, namely: well-tempered tuning and just intonation for the major key of the key signature and its relative minor. If anyone wants anything different, he can manually adjust the tuning. This would be a huge step forward in Musescore's playback capabilities.


As far as I know, MuseScore is not actually limited to equal temperament, if you have a synth that implements a different temperament, I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. Even just a soundfont constructed that way, most likely.

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