How to put in more that 3 Verses ( like 4 more verses ) in the lyrics section of the Music score so a choir to sing them!

• Mar 26, 2019 - 20:52

I am talking about talking about MuseScore 2 Software on my computer! (Not the App.)
I have written a song!
It has 4 verses in the song ( the Lyrics )
I have Musescore 2 on my computer. ( the Free version )
I need to get MORE than 3 verses on to the manuscript. ( it currently is only allowing me 3 verses )
How can I get 4 Verses or more ?
What so I need to do? ( I need Step by Step instructions )
Can I change the font size?
Is there a setting to allow more verses?
How do I do that? ( who can you forward this to who would know? )
I desperately need to get this information so I can proceed with MORE that 4 verses.


All versions of MsueScore are free, this has always been and always will be the case. But MuseScore is outdated at this point, you can get better results more easily using MuseScore 3 (which, again, is free, just as MuseScore 2 was).

Not sure what makes you think you are limited to three verses. No version of MsueScore has such a limitation. Enter the fourth and any subsequent verses the same way you presumably entered the first three - just hit "Enter" or the Down arrow after entering a lyric to move down to the next verse.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

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