Can the line for the pedals not overextend or is it a bug?

• Mar 30, 2019 - 07:31

Image :
The line usually doesn't cross over below the "Ped", no? Is there a way for us to shorten the line there? I did try shortening it but it goes from right to left and not side by side to middle.


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Other than that pedal lines should extend the same way as all other lines.

From your picture it looks like maybe you set the "continue" text on your pedal line. It wouldn't normally be set by default. If that's the case, just remove the continue text in the Inspector. Otherwise, please attach your actual score, rather than just a picture, so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Haoto 2

If you are concerned about sharing too much, you can always delete all but a small portion of your score but leave the part with the problem. But in general, we can almost always provide much better assistance if you get in the habit of always attaching an actual score. Takes less time for us to help, you get a better answer faster - everyone wins.

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