
• Apr 8, 2019 - 02:12

How to edit size of lyrics, including lyrics already entered.


In version 3, select any lyric. Look at the inspector (F8), change the font and press the S to the right of what you changed. You may need to scroll to see the S.

In reply to by [DELETED] 11653836

You should never have to edit lyrics word by word. You should be able to right click a lyric and choose Select all similar items and change all of them in the inspector at once. I didn't mention this earlier, because setting the style (clicking the S) should work and I was more concerned with understanding what was happening.

In general, you'll almost always get better help faster if you attach your score, then we don't have to guess. That said, if I had to guess, my guess is you already force some of the individual lyrics a different size from the style default and that's why they don't update when you change the style.

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