Jumps Lagging badly

• Apr 10, 2019 - 02:11

I am finding that there is a massive lag when a jump is required in the score from a Dal segno al coda back to the dal segno when the playback comes to the jump forward to the coda there is no lag at all. I am just wondering if this is actually a bug or something else. in the way the score is being read by the program. I have included a copy of the score that I have noticed the problem with.


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It only takes a moment.mscz 27.69 KB


You have a section break on the same measure as the D.S. al coda. The section break has a 3 sec delay by default. The section break is not necessary. I expected it to cause other problems, like the coda not playing, but it seems there is a bug that allows it to play.

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