Add "export selection"

• Apr 19, 2019 - 03:12

MuseScore currently allows to "save selection", which sometimes is very handy. However, it does not allow to "export selection" and I think it wouldn't take too much programming effort to include it.

One example where it would be very useful is to export a passage to MIDI in order to open it in a sequencer (such as Sekaiju) to test things that MuseScore won't allow (as of current 3.0.5 version), for instance a crescendo in single note from a wind or string instrument.
Currently you can save the selection as .mscz, open it and export it as .mid to open it in a sequencer... too many steps.


Another example: Suppose you want to export some short passage from a long score to MP3. While you could export the whole score and then with an audio editor select the passage and remove the rest, thr MP3 conversion takes a lot of time just to finally keep only a few seconds worth of it.

In reply to by fmiyara

I'll agree this is a good idea. I have previously said Save selection is broke (because it was). I tried it yesterday on what I believe to be a complex section of music and it seemed to work. It handled multiple time signature, key changes and section with no obvious issues.

In reply to by mike320

Save Selection has indeed been in pretty bad shape during most of its existence - one thing gets fixed, another broken. The biggest problems have come from not getting the start of the score right - making sure we save the clef, key, and time signature information that are in effect at the start of the selection. Hopefully we could factor things to use some of the same code for export so we don't end up having to fix the same bugs twice from there on out.

I agree, export selection makes sense, feel free to file a formal issue suggesting it.

FWIW, even more useful to many I think would be a corresponding import function that inserts a converted MIDI or whatever at the current cursor point rather than as a new score. Obviously you can let it create the score then copy/paste, but still, might be nice to have a coordinated set of import/export functions for this sort of workflow.

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