only about half of the possible basic ways to play the same chord progression (i- VI- VII) in A minor using triads, sevenths, and inverted chords of both

• Apr 24, 2019 - 03:36

Because I wanna try everything. ; P

So I literally took all the triad chords, the first and second inversions of triad chords, the seventh chords, and the first and second and third inversions of the seventh chords for chords i, VI, and VII in A minor to list or make all of the possible ways or combinations of the listed chords to use for the same chord progression ( i - VI - VII ) with one, some, or all of the chords adjusted differently each time... there are literally hundreds of ways to adjust chords to play the same chord progression differently...I'm not saying all of them sound good. lol, but it allows you to hear what sounds good and what doesn't... I'm only about halfway done though


Are there "good sounds" in music harmony? ???

Forget the "classical" rules!!! Even the great classic musicians overpass those rules, almost... always!!!

Let the freedom of your mind sounds through the score to the instruments without boundaries, please!!!

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