Beaming style in 6/8

• May 2, 2019 - 13:13

In 6/8 the pattern quaver-rest-quaver on the 1st and 4th quavers of the bar is quite often beamed across the quaver rest. Is there are way to establish this as the default beaming pattern? Or if not, can one select all such patterns and use the beaming tool from inspector?


The default for all rests is no beam. There is also no way to select only the 2nd and 5th 8th note/rest in a piece. What it possible is to set up your beaming pattern in the time signature to have 3 notes beamed followed by 3 notes beamed, like it is by default in 6/8. After you select all of your notes, you can select everything by using ctrl+a or one instrument at a time if that's more appropriate (see for more info). Once you have the appropriate selection, you can open the Beam Properties palette and double click Auto to force the beam pattern on all notes and rests. This means that you may need to go back and unbeam some consecutive rests. See for more info.

In reply to by richardm999

I don't think I was clear. If you keep the default 6/8 beaming and select everything, all of the q-r-q patterns will get beams as long as they start on either the 1st or 4th 8th note. What will also happen is that a r-r-q pattern will also get beams over the rests and you'll want to eliminate these beams. If there are more q-r-q patterns than r-r-q patterns, it may well be worth your while to automatically add the beams to rests and eliminate unwanted beams.

If you are getting different results, attach your score so I can see what's different.

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