Insert first measure

• Aug 3, 2014 - 16:02

This may have been asked before, but I did a search and couldn't find anything about it.

I have a piece in alternating 3/4 and 4/4 time. The first measure is 3/4. I've decided I want instead to begin with a couple introductory measues in 4/4, but Musescore insists on making any measures inserted before the current first measure 3/4 and won't let me change it. Is there way I can insert 4/4 measures in front of a current first measue in 3/4?


Yes just change the time signature for the inserted bar(s) to 4/4 then change back to 3/4 after.

If it's just one bar you could also consider making the first bar an irregular bar by simply changing the actual time signature in the Measure Properties dialogue.


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