moving files from muse score 2 to muse score 3

• May 9, 2019 - 21:30

updated to the newest Muse score. dragged and dropped scores from old version into new version. Now neither version will open those scores. Says they don't recognize the file type. In the old version they were compressed musescore files and in the new version they've become MSCZ files and neither musescore 2 or 3 will open them. Is there any way to get access to these scores again?


MSCZ files are compressed MuseScore files. I think you are probably trying to open one of the backup files, whose name starts with a period and ends with a comma. Don't - fnd the actual score, with no leading period or trailing comma. Note that a file saved in MuseScore 3 can't be opened in MuseScore 2, though - you'll get an error specifically telling you the file version is too new.

Look again. more closely, and find these are called "MSCZ," files, note the trailing comma (and the leading dot), and are really MuseScore backup files. No change between any version of MuseScore, has been that way ever since.
If you really want to open these, like because the actual score is broken or has a change in it you don't like, you need to renamed them in a way that loses that trailing comme (and probably also the leading dot, and most proably also the 'hidden' attribute), see for more details.

Edit: Hey, what just happend here, my reply is longer than Marc's ;-)

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