Deleting an entire voice line and an extra measue

• May 16, 2019 - 21:24

I wrote a 4 part choral composition and for some reason there are rests in each measure underneath the 4 parts. When I highlight it, it indicates it is voice 1. I already have voice one notated. When I try to delete it does nothing. I also have an extra measure with a whole rest that appeared in the middle of the piece. I also can not delete it. Any suggestions?


In every staff/instrument/part always start entering notes into voice 1. They are always called voices on the staff by MuseScore don't confuse these with singing voices (as you are warned in the voice instructions in the manual).

To fix this, exchange the voice you entered with voice 1 (Tools->Voices->Exchange 1-...) then delete all of the rests in the no longer needed voice (select the staff and click the rests button in the inspector (F8)).

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