[Feedback Form] Guitar Bends

• May 28, 2019 - 22:32

"Regarding guitar bends, the rectangles instead of the fractions are unusual and annoying. I don't know a single person who would read that and intuitively know what that's supposed to mean. I have also never seen it before in ANY other music written for guitar. What do the rectangles even mean? They seem to be inconsistent. To further improve the use of bends, the arrows length and placement should be easily modifiable by clicking and dragging. When a note is bent above the staff, the arrow is fixed to the space above the first ledger line. Why? Many bends in guitar music occur above the staff, which makes using MuseScore to write for guitar pretty much out of the question. And please just use numbers for the amounts. I don't see why the rectangles are even a thing. I appreciate all the hard work you all do and would really like to see this improvement soon. Thank you"

I sent the link to this page to the author.


WHat rectangles? There should be fractions and are for me. Sounds like maybe the user has a font issue on his machine causing the fractions to not render correctly?

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