Bug in "Re-Pitch" mode...

• May 29, 2019 - 01:09

Hi, after setting the rhythms with rhythm mode, I go to re-pitch mode to set the pitches.

There is this problem: I can set octaves or double stops per each of the rhythms entered, without any problem, EXCEPT FOR NOTES THAT CROSS A BARLINE.

Once a note crosses a barline, something completely unexpected happens: suppose I have 1 eighth note tied to another eighth note in the following bar, when I re-pitch it with a double stop, ONLY THE VALUES AFTER THE BARLINE get all the notes, and in the value before the barline, ONLY THE BOTTOM OR TOP NOTE REMAINS. bug1.png


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the prompt reply. I input the notes with a midi keyboard.

It would be great if it could be implemented that in the same way re-pitch can turn any rhythm into either single notes or complete chords, it would behave in the same manner when it crosses a barline, instead of forcing monophony on the left side of the tied over rhythm and leaving it polyphonical on the right side. I have seen there is a workaround, but it gets very tiresome if you have these happening all the time, by entering separate eighths and doing the ties later...

I was thinking, maybe there is another workout in that I can write in 4/2 or 8/4 and then rebar once the piece is complete into 2/2 or 4/4? Since most of the work I do is for Latin music, and there is always a tied note over the barline every two bars. I am new to muse-score, is it easy to re-bar a musical content into another time signature with this software?

Thank you a lot Marc, all the best,

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