MuseScore 3.1 Note Input Induced Crashes

• May 29, 2019 - 02:44

After placing (typing) a note, the highlighted section (cursor?) appears to move forward - for example, when I place a whole note, the cursor can be moved ''inside' the note - say, to where beat two might be - unless I physically move to the next beat of rest/next measure. After this happens, MuseScore seems to crash upon the next note placed unless the cursor is moved 'out' of the existing note. I usually attribute these kind of things to random glitches, but I've just updated and this has happened twice within the hour. If I had to speculate, it might be a bug with longer notes or notes that occupy a full measure; the first crash was caused by a dotted half note in a 3/4 bar, and the second a whole note in a 4/4 bar. I'm fairly certain that this isn't an issue with my system, but can post specs if requested.

Edit: This doesn't seem to happen unless another staff in the same measure has a smaller subdivision written. I tried to attached a screen capture so you can see what I mean about the cursor being in the wrong place, but my recorder apparently stops recording once the crash happens... I suppose I can try and use a file sharing service if that would help.


Do you by chance have a score where you can make this happen on demand? Attaching that score with instructions for causing the crash would be most useful.

In reply to by mike320

Sure thing.
1. In measure 2's bass clef, input a whole note using keyboard input.
2. Press the left arrow. This will bring you back to (apparently) beat 4.
3. Without changing note length or pressing any other keys, input another note on this beat 4. MuseScore will crash immediately.

Attachment Size
Crash Test.mscz 5.75 KB

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