merge scores and add page numbers

• May 31, 2019 - 23:08

I transcribe traditional Irish Tunes and I'm making a book, about 40 pages. I want to merge them all into one document and add page numbers. I was given the good advice to merge them as PDFs with PDFsam and that worked great, but I can't add page numbers without buying the advanced version, (or Acrobat) It would be great to have a way to merge the scores, like in the earlier version but more fully flushed out, that could easily apply page numbers. I hoped the copy center where I'm having a small run printed could add page numbers as part of that process, but they couldn't.


In each score in MuseScore you can set the start page number in Format->Page settings. No need to have the PDF program supply page numbers.

In reply to by matt shortridge

The album feature is not yet in version 3, it did exist in version 2, but had far too many problems. Version 3 is intended to have a better version of the album, but that is several months away.

To put the page number on a score, open Format->Style and select the header & footer. You can the use the $P (capital P) symbol to force a page number on every page. I realize it's late in the game to tell you to do this in a template, but perhaps you can set this in one score, save Style... then open another and Load Style and it will import the footer and header. I haven't tried it with a header or footer but it makes sense that this Style setting would be saved and loaded.

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