File Cant Be Read

• Jun 1, 2019 - 19:25

Musescore was acting up so I saved all of the scores I had open then closed all of them... then when I closed the last one my computer instantly froze and no buttons would work, ctrl + alt + delete wouldn't work, eventually I held down the power button for 10 seconds and my computer restarted. When it started back up again, I tried opening a score I had open (one of the ones that I saved and closed before it froze) and it says it cannot read the file. Also, I went into the folder where I keep the score and turned on "view hidden files", and there is no backup file for the score.

Attachment Size
Avengers_Theme Freshie.mscz 20.42 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

So, I could not find a backup, but I did go to "This PC" and search for my score, and this is what came up (the attachment). I tried opened all the musescore files and they all came up with the same "Can't read file" message, but could the bottom two files (the ones with the Earth icon) be somehow used to bring it back?

Attachment Size
musescore cant read file.png 42.67 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Yea, I turned on show hidden files and there were backup files for other scores but not that one. I searched all of my musescore folders for a backup of it, and there wasn't any. Looks like I'm gonna have to redo this one. Thank you for taking the time to help me

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