Repeats not working as expected
I have a piece structured like the attached. Why doesn’t MS stop at the Fine? Upon returning to the beginning, it plays the first ending again, then stops at the D.C. al Fine.
I want it to play the 1st ending, skip to measure 4, take the D.C., then play the second ending and stop at the Fine. How can I make that happen? Or is there a better approach?
Attachment | Size |
MS Question 1-29-25.mscz | 18.35 KB |
Voltas don't work with DC, DS but with repeat barlines.
In reply to Voltas don't work with DC,… by underquark
Can you clarify what you're suggesting I do? Is there a way to do this that avoids a skip to a coda?
Voltas only work with a repeat with bar lines that have a repeat colon. The mix between D.C. and Voltas is not possible, they are two different things!
Just do it with D.C. al Coda and a To Coda jump, as in the appendix.
In reply to Voltas only work with a… by HildeK
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I'd prefer to avoid a coda as it will require a page turn.
Maybe something like this?
To clarify, my current structure is:
A (at 1st ending, continue to B; at 2nd ending, Fine)
A (D.C. al Fine)
The first and second endings of the first A are (of course) different.
I’m trying to avoid notating the last A by repeating to the first A.
I’m also trying to avoid a Coda, which would require a page turn.
Is there seriously no way to do this?
In reply to To clarify, my current… by darkstream
If I understand (as you are not saying to repeat [A] before [B]:
Make the first ending include the letter [B].
In reply to If I understand (as you are… by xavierjazz
Are you saying to do something like this:
A (after repeat after B, skip to C)
B (repeat to A)
In reply to Are you saying to do… by darkstream
I think they mean
[first volta begins]
[first volta ends; repeat]
[second volta]
[DC al Fine]
In reply to I think they mean A [first… by TheHutch
Hmm...I don't understand. Could you put that in a MS file and show me how it matches my desired structure?
In reply to Hmm...I don't understand… by darkstream
The A part is all quarter note A's, and so forth.
20250131 013400 - ABACA.mscz
Basically, the A part is the first part of the repeat (the part before the volta). The B part is all within volta 1. The C part is all within/after volta 2. There is a DC al Fine at the end of the C part that jumps back to the beginning (that is, the beginning of the A part). The Fine is at the end of the A part, immediately before the volta.
In reply to The A part is all quarter… by TheHutch
Check out the ABACA.mscz file already posted here:
It's a bit more melodic ;-)
In reply to Check out the ABACA.mscz… by Jm6stringer
*LOL* Anything would be more melodic than my example. :-D But it is (at least, I hope it is!) a good example.
In reply to To clarify, my current… by darkstream
You say you have sections A, B, C.
Okay, so...
You want the sequence: A - B - A - C - A
with the first and second endings of A different.
Have a look here:
You also wrote:
> I’m also trying to avoid a Coda, which would require a page turn. <
How many measures in A?
How many measures in B?
How many measures in C?
A Coda does not necessarily demand a page turn.
You should submit a score of your own with a clear explanation of the roadmap you wish to follow. It doesn't have to work, but it should show A B C sections with any voltas and jumps included.