Fret chord boxes

• Jun 2, 2019 - 06:03

Moved to version 3.1.0 Beta to fix fret bar numbers not being saved. Now have problem with string markers
above chord box dot markings. A little box with a question mark appears over the non-open playable strings.
I can have a 0 over open strings, an X over non-played strings, but fretted strings are marked with
this little box containing a question mark "?". See attached screen shot.
I am running MuseScore 3.1.0 Beta under Ubuntu 18.04.2

MuseScore 3 did not have this problem, although it did have other problems.

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2019-06-01 21-57-20.png 263.6 KB


In reply to by jrvinton

You attached a backup file. But renaming away that training comma I don't seee and question marks

Possible you installed one of the fonts MuseScore uses (like Bravura), so MuseScore uses that rather than the built-in version of that font. If so, uninstall it.

In reply to by jrvinton

I am running MuseScore 3.0.5 and MuseScore 3.1.0 from MuseScore-3.0.5-x86_64.AppImage
and MuseScore-3.1.0-Beta-x86_64.AppImage respectively.

As you may know, these do not install in the usual way by creating directories, etc.
(I believe they just load in image into memory and run entirely from memory.)

If I examine preferences (edit > preferences) in either 3.0.5 or 3.1.0, I see the following folders assigned:
Scores: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Scores
Styles: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Styles
Templates: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Templates
Plugins: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Plugins
SoundFonts: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/SoundFonts
Images: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Images
Extensions: /home/john/Documents/MuseScore3/Extensions

These folders exist, but are empty. I do not know what created these directories.

Is there a downloadable installation file that will install in the normal way?

In reply to by jrvinton

Those directories are cretaed by MuseScore on first start. They are for you to file with scores, stylesm templales, plugins...
Whether there is an installable version of MuseScore is a question towards your distribution maintainer.
Here on you only find the versions for Mac and Windows and the Linux AppImages

In reply to by jrvinton

Nothing about what you've described about your installation sounds unusual, so I wouldn't expect that to be relevant or to change with an update. Instead, you need to discover if you've installed custom version of the fonts MuseScore requires. Just search your system for fonts (in the usual way for your system) and if you see MScore, Emmentaler, or Bravura, remove them.

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