Custom Key Signature Bug

• Jun 5, 2019 - 04:20

When placing a custom key signature into a score, it does not properly affect each voice according to their clef. Example: I have a trombone and a trumpet, in concert pitch. When putting a custom key signature of Ab and Eb, it applies correctly to the trumpet, as the key signature was created on treble clef, but it changes to Cb and Gb on the trombone. When looking at the placement, the flats are identical between the two clefs even though they should be offset, and it affects playback as well, so it is not just a visual glitch. Obviously, I can put accidentals in on bass clef instruments to correct it, but that defeats the purpose of creating a custom key signature. Below is a picture showing two scales, one on trombone, one on trumpet, that are identical (other than octave) but due to the messed up key, it displays one with no accidentals and one with many.

Attachment Size
KeySigError.PNG 12.54 KB


Musecore does not know how to transpose custom key signatures or alter them for different clefs. You need to create different versions of any custom key signature for each clef and transposition you might want to use it with, and apply it with the Ctrl key to only affect the desired staff,

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay thank you! I did not know there was a way to only apply it to one staff. Do you know if automatic transposition (between clefs, not necessarily transposing for not concert pitch instruments) of custom keys? Because I feel like that shouldn't be too hard since its just shifting the key up or down. And if its done purely by the name of the notes instead of the position on the staff, it should be even easier to implement.

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