Moving To The Next Chord Symbol Whilst Writing

• Jun 7, 2019 - 18:06

I'm trying to writing Chord Symbols quickly.

When I write "Dm7" and

1) Hit "Enter" Chord Box which allow you write the Chord Symbol does not shut down.


2) Hit The "Right Arrow" It does not go to the next rest on which I write the Chord Symbol.

3) 2) Hit The "Space" It does not go to the next rest on which I write the Chord Symbol.

So how to go to the next rest sign for writing next Chord Symbol without using Mouse?


See the Handbook under Chord Symbols for a full list of shortcuts, but basically, Space nmoves to next beat or note, semicolon (";") moves to next beat, Tab moves to next measure, Ctrl+number moves to the next duration indicated by number (eg, 6 for half note, same as for note input).

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