Fine not ending Playback

• Jun 19, 2019 - 14:08

Hi there,
I have a score which consists of an intro section, a chorus section with a start repeat bar at the beginning and two endings—the second of which houses a Fine, and a verse section with an end repeat bar at the end.

My problem arises during playback, being that after repeating and going into the second ending, the Fine does not stop playback as it should.

It isn't a huge deal, but it would be very convenient to have this figured out.

File is attached; Any help is appreciated.


Fine only word in conjunction with D.C. al fine or D.S. al fine, so MuseScore ignores it.

I would suggest that you use D.S. al coda to write this since voltas in the middle of sections are unorthodox. I would put the segno where the start repeat is, the to coda just before the first volta, the measures under the second volta go at the end starting with a coda symbol and replace the end repeat with D.S. al Coda and you, MuseScore and your musicians will be happy.

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