Program crashed when attempting to add ties

• Jun 25, 2019 - 22:44

I created some 3-note tuples to make my time signature work and wanted to add a tie between the first note and last note on line 1 (still highlighted in blue). Instead, I got several ties, which I highlighted in red. Trying to further manipulate ties by adding/deleting etc. caused the program to crash. I tried to use "restore session" and loaded the piece without "restore session". Same results. I can't add ties in the right places.

As you may have guessed, the later notes were copied/pasted from the earlier notes. The copy/paste routine must have some bugs that copied references to resources instead of duplicating the resources. This causes a save-file-level bug that is NOT going away if you just quit, restart and load the saved file. The error is apparently saved in the save-files. It seems major. Please fix ASAP. Not showing are some ties I added to left-hand notes that were not copy/pasted and they worked just fine.

I'm not an expert in music but programming is more of my "forte".

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Annotation 2019-06-25 163619.png 49.13 KB


Indeed, users slurs, not ties - ties are by definition only for connecting notes of the same pitch, and are created by selecting the first of the notes only, then MuseScore automatically connects it to the next note of the same pitch.

That said, obviously using the wrong symbol shouldn't cause a crash. If you can figure out how to make that happen again, please attach your score (not just picture) and precise steps to reproduce the problem. BTW, while your guess about the cause of the crash sounds plausible, it's not really how copy & paste works - it does actually copy the notes, not just references. If the crash is reproducible after recovery of the file, the copy/paste can't really be relevant. The cause of the crash would have something to do with the specific command you are issuing. Probably some combination of attempting to apply a ties when multiple notes are selected, maybe when they are in tuplets, maybe when the pairings overlap, maybe when no matching second note can be found, something like that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Tried to create a two-measure music but didn't cause the crash. Went back to the file that had crash, added slurs as both of you recommended. No issues. I even flipped the orientations of two slurs. Then when I pressed ESC (just some very subconscious finger movement), it crashed again. I've attached the file. Hopefully it is somewhat helpful. I wish to add author information but don't know where to go to get it to show up in the title. Maybe I have to type it in there. The book mentions no copyright date but I bet it hasn't been out for over 95 years. I am just doing a "fair use".

Attachment Size
Etude_I.mscz 25.51 KB

Just had a variation on this issue, not with slurs but with accent marks, but on a 3note tuple same as you. I think the issue lies somewhere in the tuple not in the ornaments.

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