TAB grace note slides...

• Jun 27, 2019 - 18:01

I am writing out a banjo TAB and have never done anything this involved with musescore before and don't know how to do it or if there is an easy way.
What I would like is if I could have a smaller "grace note" slide into the 545. So to specify, 434 would be my starting frets for the slide. This happens before beat one, hence why I want them as grace notes...

I'm afraid I might lose some beginners if I just put the slide marks with no starting point designated, like I currently have.

I can do one grace note via the master palette but is there a way to do say a triple stop grace note??? I can't figure it out. Every time I try to select the notes individually for a grace note, it turns them into separate triplet looking things.

Also, does anyone have recommendations on how to make the slides look better? I haven't put forth much effort into shaping them yet. Dimension recommendations?

Attachment Size
Gracenoteslide.png 13.65 KB


To create a grace note chord, add notes exactly like you do a normal note. Click the grace note and add notes to the chord with shift+note or alt+#.

In reply to by mike320

Man, I am completely lost here.

I'm attaching another example.
I get the little 9 as the grace note. Except I want the note to be 8. I can't even figure out how to change the 9 to an 8. The regular note input is not letting me change.
The shift+letter isn't going to work because it's in TAB and I need the other note to be on the 3rd string. It's a number not a letter. Hope that makes sense?
I am seriously doing something wrong here. Missing it completely.

Attachment Size
GraceNote.png 8.71 KB

In reply to by Banjalien

I'm not used to working with tabs. I usually enter notes on the staff and adjust the tab if needed. To change the fret on a grace note, it's the same as any other note, select it and press an arrow key to move it up or down.

As far as creating a grace note chord, I'm not finding a way to do that without a standard staff (with notes on it). You can add a linked staff for notes. Press i, click the guitar staff, click Add linked staff and change the new staff type to standard. To determine the grace note you want to add, click the main note on the standard staff and its name will be displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the MuseScore window. Select the grace note and press shift + the name to add that note, select it in the tab and use the arrow to adjust it. Keep in mind that you need to build the chords from bottom to top for this to work.

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