Starting score with later measure number

• Jun 30, 2019 - 13:34

Is it possible to begin measure numbering on a value other than one, or--as a workaround--to hide the first X measures of the score?

I'm working on a practice score for my choir part, and I'd like to have the numbers in MS correspond correctly to the ones in the printed score. But lots of times my section doesn't come in until later in the score.

Help or workarounds greatly appreciated.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Dude, I looked and looked and LOOKED in the handbook, including on that very page, and couldn't find anything that looked like what I needed. "Add to measure number" didn't seem to me to be it; in fact, I couldn't figure out what that meant exactly. This may be a "Can't find something when it's staring you in the face" moment, but i was definitely not a RTFM moment.

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