Bug report (weird phantom rehearsal mark)

• Jul 2, 2019 - 15:37

I was messing around with a score and inputting rehearsal markings in a score and for some reason one of them is now unselectable and I can't delete it (also It's in a weird place, I don't know exactly how it got there, but that's not so important :P). When you export in pdf it isn't visible in the score though. And weirdly it isn't visible either if you zoom in to anything greater than 100%. I can send you the file if you want.

In the image it is G, which is unselectable and unmovable, and therefore you can't delete it, yet it disappears whenever you export or zoom in on it.

Attachment Size
Weird Phantom Marking.png 108.39 KB


You've had the G rehearsal mark tree times. It has been dragged off page two times, making it unselectable in page view.

Options to try are:

A. Switch to continuous view, locate the two marks that have been dragged off and select and delete them

B. Select a single rehearsal mark (for example B), right click it and choose "select all similar elements", then press Ctrl+R to reset their positions to default.
Now you'll see those three 'G's stacked on top of each other; remove two of them.

C. Click on the note below the "real" G rehearsal mark. Press Alt+ and see the wrong G being highlighted. Press delete. Repeat for the other misplaced marking.

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