Musescore 3 export not creating tuplets correctly - see attachments

• Jul 6, 2019 - 03:54

I have intermittent problems with Musescore 3 export. In this case, I am trying to export the bass clef only. I have attached an mscz file with the entire score (treble and bass) so you can see it. However, I delete the treble clef and then export the bass clef only. I have attached the midi file that shows the results and I have attached a pdf file of the results to make sure you are seeing what I am seeing. The resulting exported midi file does not reflect the series of tuplets accurately. Can anyone tell me how to export the bass clef of the score with the tuplets intact. Thank you.


Other than the score having a crazy fast tempo (adding a tempo marking would help!), what problem are you perceiving with the tuplets? They seem fine to me played in an exernal program. If you mean they aren't recognized as tuplets when imported back into MuseScore, well, MIDI doesn't real contain that level of detail about notation - just numeric info about the durations of the notes. When MuseScore imports a MIDI file, it has to guess how to represent them. MIDI isn't really meant for that sort of thing, just for playback. What is it you are actually trying to accomplish that has you exporting and then importing MIDI?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your response. Once I saw that the midi file created in export did not look correct I went no further, but after reading your response about the detail not necessarily showing tuplets as written, I uploaded the midi file to my piano and it played perfectly. I didn't upload it to the piano before because it not only didn't look right after export, but the midi also didn't play correctly in Musescore. FYI - the tempo is 40 as marked in the midi file and on the pdf. I export from Musescore to midi to upload to my piano. If I want to edit something in the midi file I download it back to Musescore and make changes, re-upload, etc.
Thank you for the great information.

In reply to by twoaday

I would suggest not downloading the MIDI file to make changes, because as mentioned, way too much important information is lost in the translation. Just go back to your original MSCZ file and make the changes there. There is no advantages and only huge disadvantages to re-importing the MIDI.

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