On macOS 10.11, Latest official build stuck at Verifying when starting for first time

• Jul 21, 2019 - 10:19

The Mac becomes virtually unresponsive, the progress indicator does not move.

I tried the following 3.x releases

Not working

  • 3.2.1 official
  • 3.2.3 official


  • 3.2 unofficial build
  • MuseScoreNightly-2019-07-20-0909-master-82fd5a2.dmg (the latest available when I tried)

Has anyone seen anything similar?
Any suggestions of things to try? (I have all 4 installed side-by-side)


Thank you Jojo

Based on that page, before resetting my settings, I tried the following, which worked for me

  • Start a not working version from the command-line without any options, e.g.
    /Applications/MuseScore\ 3.2.3.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore
    Result: the application starts up within seconds, bypassing the "Verifying" logic
  • Close the app, then start using the App Icon
    Result: the Verifying dialog popped up. After 2-3 minutes, the "MuseScore is an application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it", and the app opened.
  • After that, the app opened normally within seconds.

Identical behaviour with the 3.2.1 version I have installed.
Before, I would leave it for 10-15 minutes at the "Verifying" screen, with it never completing what it was busy with in the background.
I removed 3.2.1 and reinstalled. When I opened it, after 2-3 minutes of verifying, I got the "sure you want to open it" screen, and was therefore unable to reproduce.
My theory is that there is something strange going on with Apple's wrapper for running downloaded applications for the first time.

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