May I please get help replicating this measure? I can't seem to find out how it can be done.

• Aug 4, 2019 - 04:22

As the title says, I am trying to replicate this measure from Danse Paienne by Cecile Chaminade as I cannot find it on Musescore. I am still very new to Musescore, but regardless, I have tried to experiment with all the voices but I still cannot find a way to replicate this. Thank you.

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danse paienne.JPG 19.61 KB


Web-search for "Musescore Handbook Voices" and read through

1) Do the upward stemmed notes first. If there's an issue, someone will help here if you ask specifically with what is difficult or not understood (timing/duration, chording, staccato)...

2) Start at the beginning of the measure again, enter into Voice-2 as per handbook and type in the downward stemmed notes. If you have a specific issue, again, let the board know and someone surely ;) will help.

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