Note repeat of a tied note

• Aug 9, 2019 - 06:58


What is the appropriate way to repeat the note as shown so that it doesn't cut off the tie?
Here's an example of pressing 'R' in Note entry


And here is the desired result:


I can't tell what you are doing. If you select only the note that starts the second measure in the picture and press R you should get the desired result, I did in version 3.2.3.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for responding Mike320. I've realized that it works just fine when in note-input mode continuously, but when exiting N.E. and entering back into it is when the non-desired result occurs. Plus, now I have reason to practice using an on-screen key-show program with capture, so let me try something.

  1. This works as desired, as you've verified:


  2. When exiting note-entry and then entering back into it again, the problem shown in the initial post occurs, e.g.:


The question becomes, is this by design or is there a bug that messes up the ability to repeat appropriately when re-entering note-entry? It seems to me to be a bug, and would like further feedback.

In reply to by worldwideweary

I now see what's happening. As to if it's a bug or not would be a matter of opinion unless Werner were to tell us what he wanted to do when he wrote the code. I personally think that exiting Note entry mode, then reentering Note entry mode should move the cursor to the next position since that's where the next note would have gone had you not toggled the mode. To be clear, I think the first results is what I would expect. I often have to undo a newly entered note because of this, then arrow to the correct spot in the score.

It may seem weird to some people, but I write some music, stop note input mode, not knowing what I'm going to do next, look at my score (which usually requires me to scroll) then if I decide to pick up where I left of I want to press N and continue entering notes. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

In reply to by mike320

Hopefully it would easily work as if in continuous note-entry with a few code changes, and I can't think of any functional reason as to why it should remain however it is that allows the second clip to show of losing ties.

With this I suggest that the resulting behavior of re-entry into Note-Input mode be as if equivalent to whatever the status is at that particular segment position when continuously inputting within Note-input mode. Maybe some code-contributors have some insight about this?

Aside, but not a too entirely different subject, a question would be whether or not repeat-note functionality should copy also the dynamics/articulations of a note? So far it doesn't, but it can be imagined to be beneficial to be able to repeat not only the note duration and pitch, but its accompanying dynamics/articulations if there be any. Maybe this could be a separate short-cut that the user could define?

In reply to by mike320

Right, as it currently functions.
It would be nice though to have something that allowed to do the following for instance in note-entry:
Press A for a note (+ some more shift+notes as a chord), then Shift+S for staccato, then Shift+V for Accent, and then merely a few 'R's to repeat the whole [chord + articulations] without having to mess around with selection, and keep going. Or again, maybe there should be an alternative repeat function like "repeat chord from currently selected note (including articulations) " to allow for this type of behavior without changing the way repeat selection works by default.

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