Changing staff properties affecting playback

• Aug 12, 2019 - 11:52

While editing a violin part, I changed some staff properties and that somehow changed the note length in playback by putting space in between each note.

(I can just copy + paste into a new staff, but the same thing still happens when I try to alter the staff properties of the new staff)

I've provided a score file in which the top staff's properties are the default and the lower staff's properties have been changed. The first line should sound connected and legato, but the 2nd line sounds different, even though it looks the same. (again, it is only affecting the audio playback, not the visual score)


Your second staff has the playback sound set to "Slow violin expr" in the Mixer. That has a slower attack (meant for different types of passage than this) that takes results in the effect you are hearing. Change it to regular "Violin expr" like the other staff and all is well.

In reply to by Tristan H

Well, if you change instrument in the staff properties, that by definition changes the sound too. Other changes should not of course. So if you are saying it was correct in mixer, then incorrect after making an unrelated change, please.give us steps to reproduce the problem then we can see about fixing it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I should have been more specific. My mistake.

It doesn't happen when I change staff properties, but PART properties (they're both in the same popup, so I refer to it as the staff properties menu). It happens when I edit the part name, usable pitch range, or transposition. Not when I change the instrument. As far as I know, this issue only affects violin.

In reply to by Tristan H

OK, now I understand and can reproduce from scratch:

  • add violin instrument to score
  • verify in mixer it is set to violin expr
  • change long name in staff properties
  • check sound in mixer

Result - it has changed to slow.

This is a bug for sure, could you please submit it as such to the Issue tracker (eg, from the Support menu above, or Help menu within MuseScore) with the instructions above?

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