With the Special Characters (F2) window open in lyrics entry, "-", "_", and space do not work

• Aug 30, 2019 - 10:21

Windows 10, MS 3.2.3, US QWERTY keyboard
In the prior version of MS (2.3.2), when entering lyrics from the Special Characters window, the normal function of jumping to the next note by pressing the dash key, underline key, and space bar worked as expected.
In MS 3.2.3, the keys do not function- after entering the special character, one has to close the Special Characters window, pres -, _, or space to advance to the next note, and then F2 to re-open the Special Characters window. This slows down lyrics entry quite a bit.

Attachment Size
Onegin's Aria.mscz 26.88 KB


I believe I has that issue earlier this year, with a score of mine that had Russian (Cyrillic) lyrics. a royal pain indeed, back then I didn't notice that this is a MuseScore 3 regression (vs. MuseScore 2), apparently I never had to use that feature in MuseScore 1 or 2, except for the single odd character here and there.

Fell free to enter this into the issue tracker

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