3.3B - Crazy falsely repeating note?

• Sep 5, 2019 - 13:27

OS: macOS 10.14, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: f94c273

Can you tell me why the red note in m. 19 repeats? We've seen this before, but here is a reproducible test case; I've looked at the score in the piano roll editor, and do not see what I hear.

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Versa_est_in_Luctum_incipits.mscz 16.17 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I reproduced the exact same notes typing them fresh at the end of the score. I tried the same with a suspended Bb and a suspended D. The newly-entered suspended C5 fails repeatably. In all seriousness, this is pretty bad -- I asked for a half note and got two quarter notes. This should be figured out. I've surely had tied choral C's before ; it is a property of this brand-new score. Playing incorrect notes is a serious failure, no? Can you duplicate it in that score? (upd version with tests at end appended).

Attachment Size
Versa_est_in_Luctum_incipits.mscz 18.82 KB

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