Musescore not giving me a refund

• Sep 5, 2019 - 19:36

I enjoy using Musescore and recently needed to use the pro feature to print out some sheet music for myself so I signed up for the free trial. By accident I thought I had the trial for a day extra than I actually had therefore, I did not cancel in time. This then lead to Musescore signing me up for the yearly pro plan, taking $49 out of my account. I contacted Musescore immediately explaining my misunderstanding and requesting a refund. However, even though I emailed them merely minutes after them charging me, they told me that I am not legible for a full refund even though I have seen other people on this website receive refunds. I haven't even used my pro account for anything apart from this post. I think it is unfair for them to not allow a refund considering other's have been legible. Other companies like amazon which automatically sign you up for their 'premium' features allow full refunds, why is Musescore any different? Can anyone help?


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