Add vote possibility for features included in new version.

• Sep 8, 2019 - 18:19

Publish "official" list of possible features to include in next version, users could vote in that list.
First vote possibly being for 3.4


Open source is not a democracy.

That mantra aside, I personally don't have the impression anything which would win by popular vote and is actually critical to the core of MuseScore as a notation program is prioritized wrongly (but that's just my opinion of course :) )
If voting were open, I can pretty much guarantee that some playback options, such as VST and NotePerformer support would be on top of that list nearly all of the time; that doesn't magically free up a developer/contributor and grant him/her the knowledge to implement such a feature though.

Currently features (and bugs) are handled according to impact; both on a score correctness level, as well as on a user occurrence level (or at least those that make themselves known, which would be hardly any different from the population that bothers themselves with "voting").

I believe for 3.3 Anatoly even made a (public? at least in the development channel) call for pending changes/bugs that must be included before 3.3 can be released.

So in my humble opinion, this project is one that listens quite well to its users; and when it doesn't, there is often reason to be seen into the "why not".
If there is something specific you feel is essential to put into 3.4 (and possibly postpone that release for whatever time is required to implement whatever feature you want), just mentioning that in a post and/or in the relevant issue is your way of voting.

In reply to by jeetee

There is also the matter of the voting base being a bit self-selecting, most likely it would be weighted heavily toward the experienced users who frequent these forums rather than the beginners who make up the bulk of the user base. And even to the extent beginnings might participate, they often don't have the sort of context that would help them make choices in their own best interests.

Still, I'm in favor of opening processes a bit more. Doesn't have to make it a straightup democracy, but having more data on which to base decisions is always nice.

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