Get Articulation above notes as default?

• Sep 16, 2019 - 14:17

Is there any way to set articulations above the notes (chords) as default? In "bar band" horn arrangements, it's easier to see up there. Looks like default is for it to go opposite the note stem (so below on notes under B on the staff).

How I'm doing it manually:

Left-click on the tiny articulation notation so it's highlighted, then right-click to bring up a menu, select "Articulation Properties". In the "Anchor" choices select "above chord" and then click "OK" at the bottom. (I find "above staff" gets it too high.)

It gets tedious doing this for EVERY one - of course if you've taken on the task of transcribing, you've accepted tediousness! But if anyone knows a way to set this as default, please let me know!


In reply to by Jm6stringer

It's sad that I've been using this program for years and have been looking for an answer to this for ages, and this comment from years ago is my solution. Cheers, if you still use this forum. It gets super annoying trying to do anything drumline related when the accents keep flipping down.

Yes you can set them there as default, certainly in newer versions of MuseScore. Place an articulation mark, then while it's still the selected item, look in the Inspector in the Articulation section and where it says "Anchor" select "Above Chord" and then click on the "S" to the right of that box, which fixes that positioning as default for that piece of music. It's not a global setting, if you want it "global" then save an empty file with that setting enabled and use that file as your template for future compositions - I have one like that which also has my default key signature and time signature and tempo and "Swing" because that's what I use most.
The only snag is that all articulations follow the default, so for example a tenuto mark (which I like above the chord) and a pop-staccato wedge (which I like below the chord) all now end up above the chord, so until there's a default setting for EACH articulation mark rather than all of them, I will have to use the X key to flip the ones I want under the chord :o)
Best wishes,

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