3.3: "Reload changed QML command?"

• Oct 2, 2019 - 19:54

Where can I read about this 3.3 feature? There's no issue or Git link given ....


Are you looking at a development build, perhaps? I don't think there is any such command in the official builds. There are a number of special commands to help with debugging and assume this is one of them, perhaps associated with the similarly-named command item in the Debug menu. I gather it forces the QML code (which is run by an interpreter apparently) to be reloaded. I successfully used the menu item to repair a palette that got messed up during testing.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Ah, "Add "Reload QML code" debug shortcut (reloads changed QML files on the fly)". Then yes, pretty much what I guessed, I think. I know QML is used for plugins, no idea if it actually applies there or just to the palette QML code. But it's a debug-only option - the code implementing it is under "#ifndef NDEBUG". A double negative, well, triple if you consider the negative implied in the word "debug".

This command appears in debug builds only and allows reloading QML code for palettes without recompiling and restarting MuseScore. This doesn't apply for plugins, although similar command might indeed be useful for plugins development.

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