Time signature is messed up

• Oct 9, 2019 - 16:08

Changed the time signature to 4/4 after a 12/8 section, and the following happened: All measures are fine, except for the first measure. The top staff has 5 beats, and the bottom staff has 4, in this measure. When I right click "staff and measure properties" for the staves with 5 beats, it says the actual and nominal beats are 4. Nothing funny there to explain why there are 5 beats. Same with time signature properties for those lines.



You need to attach your score, preferably in the state before you added the 4/4 and tell us which measure you added the 4/4 to. If you only have it with the 4/4 already entered, then attach that.

In reply to by mike320

It's measure 77.

A related issue (now that I've closed and re-opened it) is that it now says the file is corrupted when you try to open it, because one measure is in "13/8." (Probably m. 77!) I can't find any clear indication once the file is open that it is incorrect, though. The top staves are still showing 5 beats per measure while the bottom are showing 4.

Attachment Size
The Raven - 10-9-2019.mscz 34.88 KB

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