Oops! This score is unavailable. User made this score unavailable to public

• Oct 31, 2019 - 19:17

Hi all,

I use Musescore as a transciber for a choir which uses my files for study and rehearsal of new material. Sometimes the music is in the public domain but often it is not and we buy our physical copies. The files are set to Private and since the updated privacy settings to Unlisted. I submitted a link to the members of the choir so they were able to study and rehearse them.

Since last Tuesday Oct 29th this no longer works for users with Chrome or Edge (it did the day before). It appears it still works with Firefox.

What is going on?


My choir director is having the same problem. It seems to be device related. I can access the links that she sends with my old phone (Chrome) and with my laptop (Chrome) , but not with my new phone (Chrome)

Have you found any cause or solution?


In reply to by MoHutch

Have you tried asking on the correct site?
As the post just above yours mentions, there is no support here for issues related to the online score sharing platform musescore.com. You can find that at https://musescore.com/groups/improving-musescore-com/ or for the apps specifically at https://musescore.com/groups/musescore-ios/ and https://musescore.com/groups/musescore-android/

Here on musescore.org the forums are all about the desktop notation software only.

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