Original score shows more notes in a single measure

• Nov 2, 2019 - 00:19

This really drives me crazy... This is a piece from harp's part playing in common (4/4) time signature. As you can see, there are 6 sixteenth notes after a quarter note and 2 rests of the same duration inside a single measure. Somehow they did that - obviously they didn't have Musescore at that time, which doesn't allow doing the same, at least for me. :)
How can I achieve the same in Musescore (incl. cross-staff notation with this particular example)? Any help is appreciated!



Did you read the Handbook section on cross-staff notation? Enter the tuplet onto one staff, move some of the notes to the other with Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down/ Should be strasightforward. If you have trouble after reading the Handbook section, let us know which step is the problem.

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