Movable Do for minor keys

• Nov 2, 2019 - 20:42

We have movable Do solfeggio symbols for major, but what about minor?

Perhaps we could configure this in the inspector. Usually it doesn't matter, but if you have the Notehead thing on, the option for major/minor could come up in the inspector settings if you click on the key signature.

I think the system could work in educational settings, especially for singers who are trying to get a feel for a piece.

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Sounds like a suggestion is called for. You can already define a key signature as any standard mode (minor, major or even phrygian if that's what you want) using the inspector. It sounds reasonable that the appropriate root note is called Do in movable Do solfeggio.

You can add the suggestion at, just change the severity to S5-Suggestion and leave everything else to their defaults.

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