Figured-bass continuation bug online

• Nov 5, 2019 - 14:25

Any time a score is posted with a figured bass continuation graphic (which, as known, doesn't show), when posted online, a grey line is smeared across the face of the score in a horrible way. See for an example. The rendered image gets cached forever. That is a problem. I understand that the version on the site cannot be fixed until a new release, but the "things to get fixed fast" list should note this.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It's sort of bimodal, as it were. There is nothing they can do unless a version were present here that fixed that problem. Quite frankly, I'm not sure what's going on, because they clearly have 3.3, because RNA works, yet, my score in the same 3.3 (local desktop app, MacOS) simply omits the figured-bass continuation, and does not produce the streak.

So maybe it is possible, or even likely, that 3.3.1 fixes the figured bass continuation problem reported here, i.e., it disappears, but they (.com) can do nothing until such a fix is released here.

I'm afraid that it is something in their 3.3 build causing this.
The online display uses SVG-exported images from their build. And when downloading the online PDF, the line is also included

So I've downloaded your score and exported to SVG/PDF/PNG on my Windows10(64-bit) 3.3 release and that line is not visible in any of those exports..

In reply to by jeetee

Closer inspection indeed reveals that they have a completely differently rendered/processed SVG online.

Online version has:
* A path for the line (red in screenshot)
* A path for all figured bass before it (green in screenshot)
* A path for all figured bass after it (blue in screenshot)

Local version has:
* A path for each figured bass element
* No line

So either this difference is caused by running from a different OS when generating the SVG; or the server does some extra processing in an attempt to minimize SVGsize (which would be then at fault for creating that line); or the server is running a modified 3.3 version which doesn't include SVG-fixes the official release might have; or the server is running 3.3 but against a different Qt version which doesn't have the required SVG-fixes.

Attachment Size
296622_online.png 78.58 KB
296622_offline_win10-64bit.png 15.15 KB

I wish the site would make available in the score the version/build/ID of the MS version that rendered the sound (when not custom) and the graphics (or even hidden in the HTML, but available).

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